#105 Resistance Breathing

How to Work Out the Most Underappreciated Muscle in Your Body

What do you think is the most important, underappreciated muscle in your body?

Think about that for a moment.

What’s your guess?

I think this is the most underappreciated muscle in my body: ___________________________.

Well, get this: Breathing experts tell us that the award for the most underappreciated muscle in the human body goes to… your diaphragm—that little, SUPER (!) important muscle down there right below your lungs.

Recall: You can live for weeks without food, days without water, and only minutes without oxygen—which makes breathing pretty important, eh?

Yet, how often do you think about it?

And, do you specifically train your breathing to make sure it’s optimized?

If you’re like most people, the answer to the above questions is: “Never.” And, “No.”

Today’s +1: Let’s hit the diaphragm gym.

The simplest way to practice some “resistance” breathing? Breathe through your nose. All the time. Period. If you’re a mouth breather you’ll notice that breathing through your nose takes a little more work. That’s a good thing.

Through your nose. Deep but light. Nice and slow.


One rep after another.

Let’s get that diaphragm in shape!!

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