You Are the Leader You’ve Been Waiting For

by Eric Klein | Wisdom Heart Press © 2006 · 164 pages

You are the leader you’ve been waiting for. And, this great little book by Eric Klein provides some valuable insights on how to step into that role and rock it. If you’d like to enjoy high performance and high fulfillment at work, I think you’ll dig it. Big Ideas in the Note include understanding what Authentic Leadership is and how to have it, the importance of values + gifts + calling and how to quit being a Lotus Eater or Burnout as we become a blessing to the world.

“In organizations around the world, I have met people who are waiting for a leader to come and turn on the lights — to fix things for them, inspire them, make work more meaningful and fulfilling. Great leaders, teachers, mentors, or role models can point the way but they cannot transform your work for you. You are the leader you’ve been waiting for. In the end it is your own choices and actions that will improve your work life. You have the capacity to lead yourself to a work life of purpose and meaning. You do this by awakening the authentic leader inside you.”

~ Eric Klein from You Are the Leader You’ve Been Waiting For

You are the leader you’ve been waiting for.

And, this great little book by Eric Klein provides some valuable insights on how to step into that role and rock it.

If you’d like to enjoy high performance and high fulfillment at work, I think you’ll dig it.

For now, let’s have some fun taking a quick peek at a few of my favorite Big Ideas.

We’ll start by defining authentic leadership:

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About the author


Eric Klein

A leading voice in the movement to bring greater mindfulness to the workplace.